The Olympic Lounge is the Robin Park Arena’s indoor track facility and can be converted into many different configurations – limited only by your imagination.  From being used simply for indoor training to a full theatre and bar operation. At 12m wide by 60m long with indoor vehicle access, it is suitable for shows, parties and more.

  • Complimentary parking.
  • Huge 60m x 12m area.
  • Optional carpeting and bar facilities.
  • Optional stage.
  • Optional sound and lighting add-ons for large events.

The indoor track transforms into many differing layouts suitable for a vast array of occasions.  On Wigan Warriors match days, the track is transformed in the fan village hosting 1000 supporters to enjoy live music, food and drink.

The area has been used to host high-end broadcasted theatre-style events seating 200-400 people.

Of course, it can be used simply as a running track for training sessions and is home to the Wigan Harriers running club.

The Olympic Lounge is ideal for:

  • Meetings & Conferences
  • Seminars
  • Dinners
  • Music events
  • Weddings

To book or to find out more information, please call 01942 762 888 or email events@wiganwarriors.com.