Chaplain’s Christmas Message
A Christmas Eve message from our Club Chaplain, Glen Rickard. ‘The Power of Words’…
If you had to summarise your year in six words, what would they be?
“Not quite what I was expecting”, “New baby, how life has changed”, “Cursed with cancer, blessed with friends”, written by a nine-year-old boy! The truth is that life always hits us with the unexpected.
Sometimes it’s a blessing and sometimes the news is unwelcome. The support from those close to us is important. We can rejoice and if necessary, weep together. My six words “I’d love to have Mum back.”
I’m so grateful for those close to me, including Club staff and players who have supported and spoken kind words, thank you all.
Words – so important, so key. Christmas, the season of goodwill (and family fights!), is a great excuse to consider specific words of thanks, praise, and encouragement towards those near to us.
Why not reset the culture around you this Christmas and New Year by speaking positive, life giving words to refresh, encourage and support people that have been there for you this year. It can be simply “I really appreciate you, thanks.”
It can take some courage because, what might they think? Take a risk and go for it. Change someone’s day. I’m certain that there will be people that you know who would appreciate it.
Has there been a rift with someone close recently? Words start wars, particularly family wars! I read this some years ago and it has always stayed with me. “The first to apologise is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. The first to forget is the happiest”.
It’s been a great season at The Warriors. We now have the League Leaders’ Shield and the Grand Final trophy. I asked Matt (Peet) for six words that summed up his feelings this year. His response was immediate: “Community, Excitement, Trust, Challenge, Friendship and Proud.” These words not only sum up the season, but also the whole vibe of our Club.
Christmas is a time when Christian’s celebrate God, in human form, coming to Earth. I wonder about six words that God might say, “I stand at your door knocking.”
We are told that there was no room at the Inn for Mary and Joseph, why not open the door of your life for Jesus this Christmas? Allow Him into the room. It could be a room currently labelled anger, sadness, anxiety, fear. He is great at being present and completely changing the atmosphere!
Wishing you all a happy Christmas and a healthy and prosperous New Year.